Beginning again...
Monday, February 20, 2012 at 1:25AM
Omnitron in Covers, Site

Well the old pLog software I'd been using has packed up and given me problems for the last time. I'm not going to bother trying to ressurect it again. I decided to move on to newer software -- something that will make adding updates FAR easier. At least. That's the plan.

I had been having Google Reader do a news feed for me as well -- AND thanks to them going to Google Circles -- that no longer works either. So I'm going to try and add it to the normal stuff I was doing. It may take a while.

I hope to have several different types of updates in the future.

With the above in mind, I hope to be doing daily updates. As I said -- THAT'S the plan

Article originally appeared on The Central Nexus (
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