Water Water Everywhere
Friday, July 13, 2012 at 9:00PM
Omnitron in CoH, Comments

The new Water blasting power went live.  Avalable to Blasters, corruptors and defenders as their attack power, it is unique.    I've tried it at low level and it has some unique effects.   No knockback as yet, but the third power allows a geyser-like effect under multiple targets, but it is more of a knock-down.   It does allow itself to be powered up if followed 2 or 3 uses of the lesser blast powers.   I've gotten as far as the Whirlpool power, so I've only scratched the surface.    

Of course the new power drew the attention of all -- and Antlanteans, fish folk, mutants galore are flooding, if you will excuse the word, Paragon City. It seems bizarre to see it so.   People with names like Pool Boy are popping up.   I'd not be surprised if someone started a "Super Soaker" Supergroup.  *sigh*.


Article originally appeared on The Central Nexus (http://centralnexus.squarespace.com/).
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