This is the third incarnation of the Central Nexus Blog. What began as a personal blog of a RPG gamer morphed into one that chiefly covers City of Heroes, with a few side-trips into Dragon*Con.
My name is Mark Brinkman. I've been playing City of Heroes since it launched. Except for a a month with a broken computer, and several weeks for both Champions and DC Universe Online, I've kept coming back to and continued to play City of Heroes. I don't consider myself an expert, having far too few 50s compared to most Veteran CoH players. And I don't get enough time playing the high end stuff , nor the post 50 incarnate stuff. I hope to rectify that this summer.
I do suffer from City of Heroes most debilitating disease -- Altism. I've got 40+ toons on Virtue alone, my chief server. But I've a handful on all servers, most of which haven't been played in ages. A few toons have survived since launch.
I'm good with a camera -- usually. And that eye has let me do some 500 comic covers from screenshots -- more if you include all 3 superhero games. I don't have much of an artistic talent, but I get buy.