
History: This blog is the third incarnation, and started as a paper RPG & desktop gaming blog.  After starting the MMO City of Heroes days after its launch in 2004,  It developed into one dedicated to that MMO, as it remained for nearly eight years. On November 30, 2012 that MMO was shut down by the company NCSoft despite an outpouring of fan support and community outrage.  Starting In December 2012, I'm going to be opening up the focus of the blog to cover ANYTHING gaming I'm playing, be it PC, XBox 360, iPad, Dragon*Con, etc.

That being said, their will be images from various games posted on this blog.  No claim here is made to the games, and no intent to infringe on any copyrights are inferred.   Copyrights are property of the respective companies.


NO SPAM is welcome nor allowed.

ALL unsolicited off-topic posts and links will be removed, no matter how old the post used to hide them.

ALL SPAM posts will be reported.

Comments on-topic are welcome.

EMAIL any legitimate hyperlinks to me and if on topic, they'll be added to my LINK page. 



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Entries in Event (3)


Golden Age Festival 2012

Put on every year, this was the Seventh annual festival by the Gods of the Golden Age group, and covered by THE CAPE Radio with Swing / Big Band music.  Plenty of creative costumes , concepts, were on display throughout the evening.  Having to hold it in Talos caused a second Talos Island zone to spawn.  There was a lot of trouble for late comers to get into the appropriate zone.  I ended up attending solely as Lord Infinitum.   I had attended as several characters in previous years -- but given the zone change, it was not going to be risked.

I tried the first Golden Age Costume contest and lost.  I did take first in the Silver Age contest.  I ended up making a last minute bind for my battlecry that took third.   I tried in the Bio and Trivia contests both without placing.

The crowds were fairly big with lots of people dropping in.  Including NCSOFT Hit Streak, who I believe took the role of a judge for one of the last contests.   The Leader of Lord's group, Original Justice is seen here conversing with Gold Falcon, leader of the Gods of the Golden Age.

There were plenty of strange fateful encounters....

Seen below, Proud Citizen dances with Pinup Girl...

There was time to get in some supergroup team shots... since everyone was together -- Card Master, Sensational Woman, and Kid Uppercut seen below...

One striking toon -- Hero 2 , was there late in the evening...

And some group shots were taken toward the end -- I would expect them to be seen on the Forums, if not the COH Web page...


It was an eventful FUN event.  If you missed it, there is always next year...


Another event -- Failed Heroes?

Check out the details as presented on the COH News Archive .

Essentially put, February 24th at 2PM thru 9PM EST, Pocket D will hold an event for failed heroes & villains.  By name and/or costume, not by bio, these should be obvious failures.  There should be some INTERESTING characters there to say the least.  Prizes include NPC Costume Codes and Game Time.


Upcoming Events

It looks like we've several things coming up.



  • The Spring Fling Valentines event continues until the February 27th.  If you want some of those event badges or perhaps want to try the new content, your time is running out.  Remember that the ski chalet is open during this time -- which means if you want to get some of those Winter holiday badges by spending candy canes now is the time.  Of course those with deep pockets can of course buy candy canes from the Auctionhouse at a premium price.   If you have some left lying on a character or toon, you might want to put them up for sale NOW...
  • The Gods of the Golden Age are about to hold their 7th Annual Golden Age Festival on Virtue.   Due to the demise of Galaxy City, the event will be held at the Talos Island Arena in the Emerald section, March 3rd at 8PM EST thru 11 PM EST.   Covered by The Cape Radio again (with Swing Dance Era music? ) , Expect 3 Costume contests + a Best in show,  A bio/Backstory contest, A battlecry contest, and a trivia contest.  This has been a big hit in the past.
  • The Double XP weekend is coming March 16th Through 19th.  Double everything -- prestige, xp, influence?  Expect BIG crowds this weekend.  
  • Virtue Server Supergroup Recruitment Faire has been announced, to be held in Freedom Plaza, Kings Row on April 21st from 8 to 10 pm EST.   If you are on Virtue with no supergroup, this is the best time for you to find a home.  IF you have a group, this can be a good place to find new members.


Did I miss anything?