Skyrim: Dragonborn

The new DLC is out and I did give it a shot. My current character, the Nord 2 handed weilder had left off just after the old Arch-mage had been killed. This meant I started going after the anomolies attacking Winterhold itself. During that battle two cultiest showed up . Poor timing, they wanted to talk while the anomolies wanted to attack. They ended up upsetting the other mages as well. One died quickly, and the other soon after being cornered.
I ended up going on the last leg of the college quest. Before I did, I got my smithing up from 95 to 100 smithing arrows in Dwarven, Orcish, Steel, Ebony, even Daedric. It didn't take long to get my Dragon smithing skill. Then I lugged a ton of bones and scales over to the Warmaiden forge and got to work. In short order I had legendary dragonplate armor, a dragonbone greatsword and battleaxe. I then enchanged all the armor and the greatsword. The battleaxe does 255 a swing now. And my Armor goes well over the 567 armor cap now.
After the college quest was done, which ended up being the easiest run i've done in Labyrinthian, I got ready for the new quest. You start on a boat at the Windhelm docks and get taken to an island. Yes you can see Morrowind stuff here -- the floating creatures, grasshopper things the size of small dogs, ash humanoids, lots of weird plants. This isn't pure Dunmer as I expected. This is a former human post abandonded by the Empire. Apparently quite ancient. You find several humans, The Skalls, in the area. Already I've found towers much like you'd see in Skyrim, and a barrow, and an underground temple. I've already met the big opponent twice, and this is starting to look challenging. An elder dragon showed up -- the first I've seen on this character -- but his soul was stolen by this new opponent despite my character having done all the work.
Lots of new stuff too -- Looks like there is a pirate quest to get some ancient armor. Its light armor but it is made out of a special ice that is hard as stone -- you actually can mine this stuff. I saw some REALLY nice looking ancient Nord armor -- the helm was like a metal steel-plated bear design i really liked. Sadly it can't compare with my current armor. There also is an armor called Bonemold -- Bone meal is one of its ingredients. The guards at Raven Rock all wear that stuff. And the chitin off of the bugs can be collected to do Chitin amour.
I have my doubts whether my character will ride dragons and some had supposed. But they have hinted at "taming dragons" -- and a new shout power. I think they might be the same thing. There is a new shout I've already gotten a word of -- Dragon Aspect -- sounds interesting , but as yet I've not tried it.
This is looking like we've a long convoluted path toward Dragonborn vs. Dragonborn action, with a lot of sidequests added on. Should be fun.

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