
History: This blog is the third incarnation, and started as a paper RPG & desktop gaming blog.  After starting the MMO City of Heroes days after its launch in 2004,  It developed into one dedicated to that MMO, as it remained for nearly eight years. On November 30, 2012 that MMO was shut down by the company NCSoft despite an outpouring of fan support and community outrage.  Starting In December 2012, I'm going to be opening up the focus of the blog to cover ANYTHING gaming I'm playing, be it PC, XBox 360, iPad, Dragon*Con, etc.

That being said, their will be images from various games posted on this blog.  No claim here is made to the games, and no intent to infringe on any copyrights are inferred.   Copyrights are property of the respective companies.


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« Cover of the Day - April 20, 2012 | Main | Cover of the Day - April 05, 2012 »

Back again.,,

Sorry for the lag of late. Several things contributed. 1) I ran out of covers. Surprising, but it does happen. 2) I have had problems with my PC. A hard drive failed and I'm having sound card troubles as well. I've had it lock up my computer with a solid tone three times out of my last two City sessions. Since this forces a reboot when it happens it is increasingly irritating. Finally, 3) I got Skyrim for my 360. Great game, but it definitely took a bite out of my MMO time.

Last night, I got the new staff fighting power on my account. I made another kid mutant character for it , a tactic I'm using a bit too often lately. Swift Mantis was his name, using a green/green motif, Mantis emblem, cape, and no insect body parts. No martial arts costume parts either, except maybe the folded cloth belt. I went with a wrapped staff, and super reflexes for the secondary. He so far has proved to be fun. I got the main powers first, and flight. I'm getting the secondaries a tad late in the game. However he has proven to be quite fun to play. I do like the fact the power set gets cone and area attack powers so early. The animations are cool, and I am hoping that it will lend itself to some cool covers. Or at least some NEW ones.

I definitely think I favor it over the other new powers of late, but then I do a lot of melee characters. I have started a beast control character, but really haven't gotten into it really. Nor do I have a darkness control character.

I still have one thing floating around in my head. Dragon*Con 2012. I am to be THE panelist for the City of Heroes session. I'd like to do something for that, something special so it doesn't seem that we put the session together at the last minute. Recent events and wants are always a subject at these, but I'd like more. So far my inquiries with the devs have gone unanswered. I don't know if it is too early or they just have some bad blood against the convention or what. If you have a clever idea, I would love to hear it.

With a little luck I'll be posting some new covers shortly. I also want to thank those that have left some comments of late. Nice to get some feedback.

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