Eight and counting

The other night was the official start of the anniversary events. I did get involved with a Nemesis invasion, something I saw continuing last night.This had the strange benefit of getting a surprising number of Fake Nemesis toward that defeat badge on Blue Ward, who hasn't even hit 20 yet. I did notice some rubberbanding off and on that night. I hope it is only temporary.
als of note, during May they are giving out the Rhapsodic badge for the 8th year anniversary to anyone logging in. Another reason to re-log on to a lot of my stored characters that aren't on Virtue at the moment, like Blue Rook and Crusading Cavalier.
I've currently got 5 slots open on Virtue --the most I've had in ages. I've one more holding a name for a possible robot character if they ever roll out MECHA costume stuff. I was half hoping that would be this week, but alas not. I would hope it occurs in the next 2 or three weeks. I did some work in on Atomwave the other day. I think I need to pin down my 4 or 5 Virtue toons that I'll be focusing on. That is hard to do when you have over 30. Sadly some groups will make that easy. I see too many full groups of 40 to 100 members that only have a half dozen ACTIVE players. Not a good sign.
Playing the last few days has been odd. I've been having trouble with my knee since September, and evidently had pushed myself out of my office chair one too many times as the arm rest, a hunk of solid plastic, snapped in two. Still held together by the cusion, it of course provided little support. Especially if you used the elbow on it. Forgetting yourself in the middle of combat, placing your arm on the rest only to have it fold up underneath you is a tad distracting. I managed to find a replacement at Office Max. My wife liked it so well she wanted me to get her one too.
I like the new transport ship temporary power. Shame that wasn't put in the game AGES ago. Typical Longbow colors I notice. Now they'd REALLY sell if they gave you the chance to repaint the ships. I could SOOOO see supergroups going crazy with that.
One thing I've been noticing in the last week or so is some weird stuff going on with fallen foes in the game. Where they used to just fall, now they twitch after they are down. Sometimes embedding themselves into objects, floors, and walls very easily, or getting hung up more often. Some others twist in peculiar ways that anyone outside of Mr. Fantastic or Plastic Man should find painful if not fatal. I find that a little disconcerting in a game where we are supposed to be good heroes that my mental whammy is doing permanent physical harm. I heard tell that there was some tweak to the rag doll physics to reduce lag. I've not been seeing lag all that often, but I can't say that I like this tradeoff. Anyone else noticing/reacting to this?
This one is so painful to look at...downed with pyschic blast... ???
I'm continuing to stockpile toon images to stretch out my backlog of covers. I really want to get at least one image published to this blog daily, running as long as possilbe. My target is to go through the summer right up to Dragon*Con itself, if not beyond. I won't have something to say daily, but I do like showing off my covers, as well as the WILD costumes and characters I see in game. Spread the word and keep watching -- If you play on Virtue, you might see yourself here.

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