Best superhero costume creator?
Massively poses another question, and a poll. Of the three current Superhero Games, WHICH has the best costume creator?
I may be biased, but I found DCUO to be very restrictive in places, and not prone to some obscure toon elements. Of course with its hyper-repetative missions both at early play and at "end-game" play, it doesn't score may points when compared to COHs content. Champions came in with Non-cape non-wing back options first, but with the recent advent of both the Mecha Vet items , Retro Sci Fi stuff now in the game, things are looking back in CoX's favor. In some ways the graphic style makes Champions look better at times. IF you like that kind of thing. CoH somehow has blended a lot more variety into their system -- and that has allowed for some suprising creativity.
I will grant that after 8 plus years COH, even going ultra-mode, is still dated compared to the newest games on the market. One can only hope that there is a COH 2 in the works.
I urge everyone to place their votes... COH fans or not -- I'd love to see who the REAL winner is...
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