Dragon*Con Day 3
The third day was something of a Doctor Who day. I started off with Sylvester McCoy, the Seventh Doctor. He's a riot on stage. During the Question and answer part of the session, he came out from behind the table with big hairy feet on -- due to his involvement witht he HOBBIT movie series. This was followed up by the Torchwood session where I got to see John Barrowman among others. Both sessions were a hoot. The next session attended was the MMORPG trivia contest where I simply observed. It was depressing in part -- The City of Heroes question was "What month will it be shut down...?" So sad...
Another event was put on by Guildlaunch where they did an awards ceremony for their DragonSlayer players choice awards. It was fun, but i got a feeling MANY of the rather large crowd were interested in the raffles they were having -- letting someone win a PC, among other packs of game paraphenalia. This was a tad nerve racking. I was only 4 tickets away from one drawing. And they had to re-draw the PC when a friend of Guildlaunch happened to have the winning ticket. The odds of which had to be several hundreds to one.
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