
History: This blog is the third incarnation, and started as a paper RPG & desktop gaming blog.  After starting the MMO City of Heroes days after its launch in 2004,  It developed into one dedicated to that MMO, as it remained for nearly eight years. On November 30, 2012 that MMO was shut down by the company NCSoft despite an outpouring of fan support and community outrage.  Starting In December 2012, I'm going to be opening up the focus of the blog to cover ANYTHING gaming I'm playing, be it PC, XBox 360, iPad, Dragon*Con, etc.

That being said, their will be images from various games posted on this blog.  No claim here is made to the games, and no intent to infringe on any copyrights are inferred.   Copyrights are property of the respective companies.


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Dragon*Con Day 4 - Wrap-up

The last day of Dragon*Con started off with a bang, with a session of the Guild, including ALL actors.  Combined it was a trip.  Almost all questions and answers, and some of the questions were NOT good for half hungover guests first session of the morning.   

I did a little last minute shoping and found several books, including more graphic novels at half price.   The last day of the con is ALWAYS a good day for bargains.  IF the vendors have got anything left, they want to lighten their load for the trip back.

This was followed by 3 consective MMO track events.  The first was a rundown by Gazillion on the Marvel Heroes MMO.  I'd forgotton about this track Saturday, as it came up in the COH session as something that had been halted and dropped again.     The Marvel Heroes Online  is unlike the other 3 games, since you DON'T do custom heroes at all.  There is some variability from any two players playing a hero.   It seems to be intance controled so the players chose a character in order.  Now they can select various costumes for each, so it is possible to have multipe Wolverines or Hulks in the same mission.  Further you seem to get loot which translates to manuevers.   So Hulk one might have some ground smash or Clap that a more experienced Hulk player.   It was unclear as to how much translates between characters.  If you spend all your time as Daredavil or Hawkeye, does that translate into ANY bonuses when you first try Hulk or Wolverine?   Anyway it sounds interesting, but I really think it deserves a NON MMO category to separate it from those that have characters, levels, etc.  It sounds like they are trying for isometric action game (aka Marvel Ultimate Alliance?) with heavy action.  Diablo was mentioned for comparison as the Gazillion rep had worked on both.   Motion Comics style intros play up story telling.   One of the ones they had was a religious anti-mutant crusade group, with Professor X getting heroes, mutant and non-mutant alike to work against them.   Sounds like they've got good voiceover work and story telling.   I just don't think that TOTAL blockout of  

The next session was on community -- AND since both the Gazillion and Sony Online Entertainment representative were EX NCSoft employees, City of Heroes came up frequently , both for good and bad community experiences.   Both seemed surprised and puzzled by NCSoft's move to shut down COH.   

The last was the MMORPG track wrap up.   It went full time, and seemed to be 90% good.   A few mistakes, but nothing major this year.   Considering the track was in a larger room, but different hotel, it made things interesting at times.   Promise of internet that never came true.   Signs that weren't in place on Day one.   Party overflow with bar issues. We've had FAR worse.   I did get kudos for even showing UP for the COH panel given the events of Friday. And one thing I neglected to mention is that I was given many Talon Huntress codes.   While well over 70% of those were dispersed, I've still a few.  So for any readers who want one, they are available first come first serve.  Simply send me a message at Centralnexus@gmail.com and I'll dig one up for you if there are any left.

Despite problems getting around, given my knee I had fun.   Tuesday and Wednesday will be a relaxation day, given the problems with my leg.

Strangely I've had some time, but haven't had the will to get into City.   I find the idea too depressing right now, but the longer that I put it off the more I'll regret it I bet. 

And I'm going to post shots from Dragon*Con as I go over the next few weeks.   Maybe another SHOT a day type thing? I've got a 16 gigabyte card I filled up, but I've not gone through it.   It is likely I'll have to put some videos together and release them to Youtube.


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