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I've been spending a lot of time on Skyrim. My 3rd PC character was Skorvold Hammer-Hand. I wanted a low-magic Heavy Armor Nord, and went one armed specializing in a Mace. I also wanted to try lockpicking (I had heard good things about the Treasure Hunter Perks in the tree), and I've never done much with Shields. That's how he started out. I did the Companion quests first, then sided with the Stormcloaks. I've worked up enchanting and smithing, not touching the other magical areas. Even archery I've only given one perk along the way. Smithing has all been heavy side. I've gotten all the mace perks on the one armed side and all the basic damage bonuses. It still seems weird decapitating with a mace, but it happens.
I went around with steel armor, then orcish, then Blades armor for the longest time, before I could do Ebony. Starting with the Blades, I got everything enchanted -- giving me combat bonuses, healing rate increases.
It has worked suprisingly well. I'm at level 38 now, having ended the Civil War, became Archmage, Bard, defeating dozens of Thalmor, Potema, Alduin & Parthurnax along the way. I'm got the Falkreath house ONLY via Hearthfire, not even buying Breezehome. Its 95% complete except for a few stuffed animal heads. The family is Ysolda, Hroar & Runa. I've got nearly 60,000 gold saved up -- I hope to get that 100K achievment then go on a spending spree.
One annoying thing is my luck with mounts. I got a free horse from the unmarked bandit camp on the west side of Whiterun's cliffs. He stuck with me for 10 levels before getting killed in a Dragon / Frost Troll skirmish. I purchased one at the house, and he didn't last 2 minutes -- Bandits attacked right after I exited the house and he died without ever being rode. *sigh*. I got another one that lasted about a level, but still died too quickly. I picked up the Horse skull in the soul cairn so I can summon him now. I do have to put on some magicka gear to be able to cast the summon spell though.
I just got the ability to do daedric items. The trip to Soul Cairn gave me a half dozen black soul gems and a dozen or more grand ones all with grand souls. I've done up a couple deadruc maces -- enchanted one with a soul trap. Called it "Doomclaw", replacing my older "Soulcrusher" mace. Enchanting can let you be so creative some times. I hope to play this guy long enough to do dual enchantments -- something I've never done before.
I did snag the Molag Bal mace early on in a week moment. But I've retired it. Dawnbreaker also was used for a while but retired. Dragonbone too. I turned down the Rueful Axe -- which I've never done before. Blame that on that talking dog -- he makes you WANT to kill him. The Clavicus Masque is probably why I've been doing so good with vendors -- and it doesn't look out of place with Ebony armor. Though I tend to switch to my Ebony helm often enough.
Smithing and One armed is in the 90s now. Blocking and archery are in the high 40s. I'm currently going through the Dawnguard stuff, about to head out for the Moth cavern to read the Blood Scroll, which probably puts me halfway through that or more. With enchanted jewelry, my one armed attacks are starting at 180 before any elemental damage effects. USUALLY means I knock stuff down in a couple hits.
This run has come across several unfamiliar dungeons though. Given the number of hours I've put into the game, they always come as a surprise. There are somethings in Skyrim I've never done . I've not escaped jail, nor done that Silver-Blood questline in Markarth all the way through. It just goes to show you how much they've stuck into Skyrim. I tend to play the hero not the villain.
Gotta get back to some Champions and Secret World soon...
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