
More than a little frustrated by the Subscription bug from Champions. Bobcat and Firewing can't get into their respective groups if I can't play them. I'm left with the two slots -- One of which is for Bellringer. The last has seen a few trial balloon characters. Dark Dove has been replaced by a refresh of Thoughtwave. Unfortunatley I couldn't use his costume if I wanted to since several costume elements came with Gold membership and are now blocked & forbidden. Like several movement forms and powersets. Perfect World is silent on this . Based on the forums I know this has lost them several paying customers, yet they have given it almost no priority at all. I would think this is an ultra-urgent fix-now issue -- they clearly don't. They've kept us in the dark. I'd not be surprised if some victims of this craziness have been without service for 2 or 3 times as long as I have -- and I've been down 10 days now.
Playing some Skyrim lately -- Since I've lost almost all my PC characters due to the failure of my original gaming rig, I've tried to get back into it. I miss certain characters. I've tried to get a couple magician builds up, but keep digressing. Got tempted on one of my builds to use the Mage Armor mod/spell, but at low levels once you finally have enough mana to cast the spell, an advanced Conjuration spell, it tends to jump your conjuration skill up. A lot. I've gotten several levels using it repeatedly even when still active. That tends to make you level 10 or better when you face that first dragon, rather than the usual 5 give or take. It feels like a cheat, and I'll probably remove it. I don't mind mods that are good looking or helpful. But ones that change the game that much are not really what i want to run with.
Best mod I've seen for skyrim lately has been modified Soulforge weapons and shields. Rather than just using the default steel weapon versions, these are ultra fancy unique weapon versions. Heavy with the Leather inlays and scabbards, and highly visible Nord knot designs. Best part about going Companion right now I'd say.
With Skyrim getting a little old these days (I have put 3000+ hours into it over the last 15 months), I'm waiting for that next thing. Saints Row IV is coming out next month. I'm trying to hold back on a few things these days. Dragon*Con is coming up too. Seems like the usual summer game releases are on hold until the upcoming console release schedules are ironed out. I suspect that there will be a lot of things rescheduled for the holidays or later because of that. Have to admit the Xbox One looks good to me, but then I've been an Xbox user for years. Gamewise, I'm thumb-twiddling until things finally break.
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