Mid Summer Blues

I'm still getting over a chest bug which knocked me out for the better part of a week. Nasty thing that had quite the kick. It gave me some time to play , but it was Skyrim mostly since Champions was still blocked by the Subscription bug.
I had a couple starts, but finally decided to play a Nord battlemage. I tend to to a lot of Skyrim as a Nord. It just makes things less complicated. Female this time. I went with darker hair -- Anyone else feel compelled to do blond Nords? Simple white war paint over one eye, and made the eyes light grey. She ended up being called Fridina Ice-Eyes. I got to play a little of her last night -- and ended up with a level 34 character. She's primarily Destruction, Conjuration with some Restoration/Alteration. Her magics are up in the Adept to Expert range. She knows some Alchemy, and is Expert in Enchanting. Currently wears the Archmage robes with lots of Destruction enchanting gear. Now Destruction magicka costs are completely nulliified. Dark Brotherhood has been destroyed, the Stormcloaks have won the civil war. I've been crowned Thane of Whiterun, Falkreath, Morthal, & Windhelm and have a house in Windhelm. I've not gone after the High Elf Embassy, so much of the main quest is not yet active. Smithing is only up to the sixties, working up the light armor side. Light armor has been raised mostly by training seeing as she wears robes. But I hope to end up in Dragonscale. Eventually.
Champions finally got fixed and I got a few levels in on Flagborn, Bellringer, and Bobcat. Bobcat finally got into the Young Sentinels. Flamewing is waiting on contact from Nexus Academy -- but I've yet to see any action on that. I've got several characters now in the low twenty range, and Bobcat is tied with Psideways for the top billing at present. Some of the groups seem that some of the older character seem dead -- with no one around, and only a handful of people having been on recently.
Work is getting weird with projects looming. I'm hoping that it won't interfere with Dragon*Con this year. I've not gotten pre-registered yet -- and it is too late now for a discount. I'm thinking about ordering some shirts for Dragon*Con -- I've seen some Atlas Park 33 designs that would be so cool to wear and see if anyone catchs it. Things like that are big conversation starters. So if you go to Dragon*Con and see a balding guy with a cane wearing a City of Heroes or AP33 shirt, it will probably be me.
Due to the bug, I've not been to see a Movie since Lone Ranger. Still want to see Despicable Me 2, Pacific Rim, Turbo, Wolverine, among others. Anxious also for the Flashpoint video release at the end of the month.
I've been taking pics in Champions of other player characters. I hope to start some daily toons to intersperse with covers. Maybe I can keep daily updates going for a long stint until we hit the convention....

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