Diablo III - Season 2

I have to admit I'm enjoying Diablo III again. Friday night was the start of Season 2 -- I started a demon hunter then (not hardcore) and last night got him to Level 70. Paragon 3 was hit before I called it a night. I did try and run him through expert campaign mode a second time, but after hearing that something was wrong with the settings of Expert backed that down to Hard and went back to the adventure mode. I've been doing Act I bounties to get him through. ITs worked. I have to admit that for a long time I was going with Cold turrets, and rapid fire as my main attacks. Latlely with Ballistics and Custom Engineering I'm using 3 fire turrets (rockets) and evasive fire. That combo has been SOOOO much easier to mow through Hard mobs. I hope to move to Expert after a few dozen Paragon levels...
I'm in a City of Heroes Clan -- and with the advent of Season 2 I've racked up 1800+ achievement points since Friday. Thas has thrown me up to second place in the clan for highest achievment point total. Its wild since I don't have the paragon levels that some players have but I've got the achievments? I can only assume that others are taking shortcuts in leveling that I'm not. And achievment wise it shows. Only a handful are active in the clan -- almost none over the weekend. All the NEWS was my loot & achivements almost totally exclusively. I did get to team once last week with a clan member. Right now he's the only one I've done that with.
My Hardcore Wizard stands at 50. I don't know when I will get back to it.
I hope to start another seasonal character shortly. I'm debating about which class to try. Maybe a Witch Doctor, but I don't know. We'll see. I'll burn that bridge when I get there. At least now I've got plenty of Marquis gems and gold to fund/equip a low level character and speed it through the grind.
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