The Beginning of the End

Several years ago I tried to do a "crossover event" on my City of Heroes Covers. I didn't have much luck with the Crosstime Cascade. But I did give it a try.
Right now, DC Comics is doing a Convergence event where past worlds and points in time that have been negated by the various mega-events that pressed the reboot button over the past 30 years are back in city sized pockets and engaged in a fights to survive. I've been heavily following these titles.
Meanwhile Marvel is doing Secret Wars and it looks like the Ultimate Universe will get piped over to the traditional universe. I've heard the phrase "everybody dies" repeated, so who knows WHAT happens? This just started this week, but was sold out when I hit the store.
My Cryptic Comics line shouldn't be any different from the big ones -- so I came up with a NEW crossover event. Enter "Endpoint". A crossover event where the Champions Universe is threatened and all hell breaks loose.
To do this I'm trying to do as many crossover events as possible. NOT all of my current toons in the game have had covers, and some more than others. I'm going to try and do 3 Crossover and one Aftermath issues for each toon. Even one Supergroup title If I can get some shots from the members. Of course this could be 67 covers by the time its done.
I've a good start -- I've a quarter of the covers done already, with almost half of the first month of titles done. Once I get the first month near completion (80+%?), I'll start publishing them here. Wish me luck. It is a big endeavor, but I hope that it will be worth it.
I've played a lot of a new character over the weekend -- Inventress. I came up with a gadgeteer freeform build. I've tried gadgeteers several times before but it never took off, and usually were quickly deleted to try something else. Inventress is already up to level 22 or so, and has proven to be very fun to play. She's spent some time in both the Southwest, doing missions around the theme park mostly, and most recently into Vibora Bay. I'm thinking about getting her into either Omniguard or Paragon Dawn. I have all of her crossover covers done.
I've touched several others in search of Covers for the event. Doubletime, Bombshell, Redbeast, Chessman, Capital, and Ice Agent all have had one or more covers completed so far. All are in SGs now save Chessman, who left the Metahuman Legends. The leader hasn't been around in ages, and there was a definite exodus of members going on. Doubletime, Bombshell, Redbeast and Ice Agent are all members of Paragon Dawn at the moment. Capital is still part of the Red Academy.
As I said -- wish me luck. Getting covers with some of these archetypes is easy. For others it isn't easy at all.
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