Video of the Day - August 18th, 2014
Raptr just added some new BETA code that allows you to do videos of the last 15 seconds -- an Instant Replay capture. I've used it a couple times. This is from my Skyrim run -- Late July -- a Bosmer I've gotten up to level 72 at this point. I've had to go several skills to legendary to keep him leveling up. Hopefully I'll have a legendary dragon before too long. I also hope to try some longer videos -- but the first one didn't work too well since it was 1 minute longer than Youtube allows.
Toon of the Day - August 15th, 2014
I see Phoenix clones almost as much as Iron man , Spiderman, & Hulk clones....
Notice how they have to name it CAREFULLY to avoid the detection filters? The filters are screwy sometime. I tried to make a character called Goldbug -- but "bug" was treated as illegal/forbidden. I can only assume its a slur somewhere....
Toon of the Day - August 14th, 2014
Must be getting ready for Talk like a Pirate Day...