
History: This blog is the third incarnation, and started as a paper RPG & desktop gaming blog.  After starting the MMO City of Heroes days after its launch in 2004,  It developed into one dedicated to that MMO, as it remained for nearly eight years. On November 30, 2012 that MMO was shut down by the company NCSoft despite an outpouring of fan support and community outrage.  Starting In December 2012, I'm going to be opening up the focus of the blog to cover ANYTHING gaming I'm playing, be it PC, XBox 360, iPad, Dragon*Con, etc.

That being said, their will be images from various games posted on this blog.  No claim here is made to the games, and no intent to infringe on any copyrights are inferred.   Copyrights are property of the respective companies.


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EMAIL any legitimate hyperlinks to me and if on topic, they'll be added to my LINK page. 



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Back again ....

Ugh.  The post Dragon*Con lull went MEGA this time.  Such as it is.  Time to get the ball rolling again.

Lately I've been popping around.   I played a LOT of Skyrim late last year and into this.   I've gotten several games along the way but haven't really played much of them.  They include Dragon Age Inquisition, Watchdogs, Shadows of Mordor.   Lately though its been Saint's Row IV ( National Treasure Edition), which I've gotten nearly half way.  80% of the city events are done, and half of the plot.    I expect to go and get the Gat Out of Hell followup after it is done.

For some reason I got back into Diablo III.   I got one Season 1 character to 70 in time to get the  transmog items on my account, given the Season ends on Feb 3rd.   I followed that up by getting two regular characters up to 70, one Wizard and one Witch Doctor.    The Witch Doctor is doing well at Master level now, at least he's not dieing unless I get swamped by a bunch of walling or jailing characters.   STILL haven't gotten anything to survive on Torment 1. 

I've seen a few builds on videos I've tried.   The Witch Doctor is doing great, the wizard okay.   My Crusader is better.   Paragon level is only 31, but not bad for soloing.

Not been doing much of any Champions or other MMOs for over a month.   I've been seeing a lot of the upcoming pretenders.   I even tried the Alpha of one -- Valiance Online was DISTURBINGLY eerie -- since the area they had was soooo close to Atlas Park.   No Atlas statue naturally , but the buildings, roads, tram lines, tunnels, walls,  industrial areas, even exit points were the same.  Or close enough to make you wonder.  Can't help but wonder if this is an Alpha filler or an ACTUAL planned final version.   The engine is better by far, but still needs work.  I saw a lot of popup of buildings in the distance.   I wish them luck.

My Flipboard magazine is exploding lately -- I've gained like 50 viewers a day to it lately. 

More to follow...


DragonCon update

1) I've seen Alduin at DragonCon -- Check my twitter feed -- I'll add pics later.  

2)Parade took almost an hour.  Far fewer Storm Troopers than in past.  Far bigger crowds than before with lots of last minute attendees trying to squeeze into long staked out curb space.   Post parade people and car jams are incredible, and with those crowds the Peachtree Center food court was overwhelmed for hours.  Lunch was impossible.

3) I screwed up my ankle getting to my parade spot -- it had me slowed down even more so than the knee.   And it was hurting half a day later.   I had to make an early day of it Saturday and head home and ice it down.

4)So far I've seen Walter Koenig and Colin Baker, celebrity wise.

5)Got to attend a session involving Missing World Media even though it meant missing the Sword and Laser Session. -- Saw someone else with a Tanker Archetype shirt.   I did like what they had to say -- I asked about Supergroup bases, and it sounds like they will be in the game.   The Unreal engine graphics means they've a lot more control over the costuming, litterally digitally sewing clothes onto a model.   They will have powers coming from body parts or equipment.   Some things are pending, like mastermind powers, and won't be out at launch.    And they are still looking for certain types of volunteers.

Heading out to Sunday Sessions



Video of the Day - August 25th, 2014


Video of the Day - August 24th 2014


Video of the Day - August 23rd 2014


Video of the Day - August 22nd, 2014 


Video of the Day - August 21st 2014