Midnight for City of Heroes...
The evening continues. As I write this it is about Midnight eastern time. Just 3 hours of City remain.
I ran into the Gods of the Golden age with Doctor Futura. Plenty of them were on tonight. They ended up running a couple Lady Grey Task Forces. i wandered around for a while, but was unable to get a team.
I did get on a couple other characters -- Techno-Nun, Ye Old Beefeater, Killer-Whale. The latter made it to Pocket D for the Cape show party.
Lots of mixed emotions tonight. Farewells fly back and forth. Twitter buzzing with the same. Some bitterness against NCSoft, but most are still holding torchlight vigils in several Atlas Parks (I think we're up to 7). Still others are advertising which game they or their SGs are moving to.
Some hold hopes that DISNEY Interactive might be able to buy COH. Others are putting their faith in a new project -- Heroes and Villains. Some are moving to Champions -- but most feel that both of the obvious competitor MMOs are not the same at all. And the new Marvel Heroes game is a superhero skin on a Diablo game. Its not a MMO in any way.
I don't know if anything will come of City of Heroes in the future. I do know that I'm glad I played. I do know I will miss it greatly.
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