Its an Im-Perfect World..
I've been playing a lot fo Champions lately. Up until Sunday night that was. The game was virtually unplayable because several disconnects was occurring, sometimes several in a half hour. Its tough to do anything when you find yourself suddenly at a location you left 5 or 10 minutes ago.
Monday the proverbial stuff hit the fan. My account was reverted to Silver (free-to-play) for the second time in 2 weeks due to a bug in their billing system. All my existing characters are GOLD characters, and as such blocked -- even if they are something a free-to-play could make. I'm left with 2 empty slots that I could make NEW toons with instead of playing the characters I've been working on. I'm one of dozens on the forum boards now reporting the problem. But Perfect World and Cryptic have the WORST support page imaginable -- unhelpful, confusing. It took me forever to find a way to enter a ticket. I could not find any DIRECT phone numbers listed at all until I wandered through the forums I couldn't find a number to call. Not that it does any good. If you're lucky you get to listen to a few phone rings before it starts its "all representives are busy helping other customers" and then directs you to the web page or to call back later. Then it hangs up. Elapsed time 80 seconds tops. WHO does a support line where you can't WAIT at least a few minutes on hold? Are their lines THAT bogged down with people needing support?
I've gotten some email responses back on the ticket, but they are simply acknowledged it. What makes matters worse Is that I've started a red-white& blue character again, aka Flagborn, and they are opening up Flag Speed for the holidays -- patriotically themed travel power. I was hoping to earn it. But it requires you to go on a mission within the period of July 1 thru 8th. I have NO confidence they'll get this fixed before that deadline is over.
Looks Champions will take a back seat for a while until this gets solved.
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