Fallout 76

I'm still on the fence about Fallout 76. Playing with others could be good OR bad. I've had too many times where games that are rated teens or mature have grade schoolers playing, cursing like sailors, or whining at everything. Fallout has been a solo game for so long. I'm willing to try it, but I could see it go badly so easily. Especially if some whining grade schoolers love to nuke every settlement just for the hell of it.
I'm not too sure about some of the creatures. I know that the FEV is in the wild, but seeing such bizarre and large forms within 3 decades of the apocolypse? Seems a little bit much. Introducing supermutants at this point in history, earlier than ever before, seems lore breaking too. I can't help but wonder if these will be dumb or smart varieties. I hope there is story behind it that fits. I can conceive of them having the same source as Fallout 3 , but that seems almost a cheat.
Been thinking of getting into another game. Fallout 4 has been my go to game for about a month now and is starting to get repetitive. I always focus on one weapon group, but by the time I've got he toon to the 60s, they've branched out into multiple weapons. They all blur together. I saw The Raft on steam and it seems interesting. The Mars colonization game looks interesting as well. Jurrasic World Evolution is another game that just came out.
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