
I've played a lot of Fallout over the last month. 3 different playthrus. I've had some trouble with my mods. Taking two characters into Nukaworld and going for the full raider playthru. But in both playthrus I had multiple issues. Trying CBBE , I liked the new PAMPAS set. However the MESH extension I never could get to work -- Skin that should show under the mesh was invisible, which gave the weird hollow-character effect. WORSE when I finally was able to start raiding the commonwealth, Shank wouldn't let me chose ANY targets. At least not until I got rid of most of my mods. It seems various combinations caused issues, including my Scrap Everything mod. Turning that off caused lots of previously removed objects to reappear.
So I finally tried to play NO MODS. Its been a LONG time. Some of the mods I had did give me a few starting supplies and caps I don't have now. Plus there is no ammunition workbench, so I had to use the manufacturing elements to produce some 10mm ammo for the Ultimatum I got from the Creation Club DLC. Further I'm used to having Ballistic weave sooner, and on more items. Now it isn't possible , especially on non-Railroad characters. Leveling also seems to take far longer. I did manage to get an achievement for producing all the ammo -- first Fallout 4 achievement in AGES.
Still not to sure what to make of the Fallout 76 annoucement. It doesn't sound like a full Fallout Game, but I'm not sure what it will be. Especially making it a prequel is interesting, as long as they don't break lore to stick the usual Fallout stuff into the game. JET shouldn't be around any Virginia setting, nor caps used as money, nor supermutants (unless they come from the capital wastlend vault). I'm concerned about it becoming a zombie survival game substituting large number of ferals. I'd be concerned about any FEV enlarged creatures that early in the Fallout timeline as well -- maybe a few slightly oversized stuff noted in passing, but not actually as opponents. There is SOOO much that could be done interestingly, and sooo much that could be big lore breaks. Still wonder about it. I suspect that everybody BUT the player character left the vault in 2097, and he/she had to stay an extra 5 years, alone. Perhaps as a safety measure? Shutting down Vault systems? So many questions. Can't wait for E3 to spread some more info into this...
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