Weekend Blues
It was a weird weekend. Starting off with the Friday failed hero costume contest. I attended the last session and saw several bizarre heroes. Lots of toilet humor characters, some tricky concepts. Once I get through some of the screenshots, expect to see some here. I didn't see everyone since this contest spread to two Pocket Ds, and was just one session of several occurring through the day.
I toyed around with a new alt, Yankee All-Star, a super strength invulnerable brute that was in some ways reminiscent of old claw fighter Yankee Fighter that I had years ago, maybe a bit of Bellringer as well. Anyway he took off big time, and ended at around level 19. He also was noticed and recruited into Original Justice, which is the same group that Moonspike was noticed in.
I did refresh all my Virtue toons, logging into each. I couldn't help but notice the increasing number of heroes without supergroups. Protectorate of Heroes seems dead -- I dropped 2 heroes out of there when I was named leader by default. I'm not going to inherit a group like that, and be able to do much with it. So few of the new groups prevail. Global Defenders is hoping to restart -- but it has only a handful of members at the moment.
I did role-play with Doctor Futura. Noticed Gold Falcon when I started going through some of the characters. He was the only other Gods of the Golden age hero on at the time. We spoke at length about various supergroup stuff, and then role played with a couple prospective heroes.
Late Sunday I got in on the tail end of a Young Justiciars meeting. It was a tad wild. Sometimes it is hard to see where character anger ends and player anger begins when people are role playing. It can be such a volatile thing to be doing...
I'm still playing with the site, adding links where ever possible. I've made a banner for the forums with some covers -- and it seems to be adding some attention to the site. I know I've logged into several supergroup sites to update my signatures with the new blog address.
Now it is a matter of keeping it up. We should have plenty to talk about in the near future.
Rumors seem to suggest that Issue 22 could be out as early as tomorrow. With the changes to Dark Astoria, I might be trying to get the old badges there on a couple of my toons -- after Issue 22 goes live, those badges may be inaccessible to anyone under 50.
I've tried the Super packs 3 times, all on Atomwave. I must have got nearly 100 merit rewards, 6 of the costume pieces, and other miscellaneous gear. Some people are thinking that this is a bad thing. I think that it is a lot of sour grapes. If they didn't get anything good on more than a few rolls, its a BAD THING to them. Anyone who has ever done collectible card games knows there is a degree of chance that can't be avoided. One person can get the rare items they one in 5 packs, where another can by 50 and still not get them. One of those will be happy, the other not.
We have new powers coming -- Darkness control, staff fighting, and some sort of Beast mastermind I hear. Any one of these will be great. Although I wonder how many Barbarian Beastmaster clones will be hitting the game. I wonder when each will hit, and how many people will give them a try. Some powers are always more popular than others, and always affect the balance of player population. When time manipulation hit, everyone had it. Now as the novelty wore off, only a select few are using it. I suspect some of these powers will be out with Issue 22, and others will follow later. I'd be very surprised if all three were released on Issue 22 from the start.
I'm still anxious for Saturday's Golden Age Festival. It is going to be a long week.