The other day I noticed several people with Marvel themed costumes on in game under Atlas. Spiderman, Ghost Rider, Nick Fury, Cable and Hulk. It seemed that they started attracting people trying to do their best to replicate known characters, each trying to outdo the others.
Yesterday the same thing happened again. One player had on a Batman styled outfit. Another had a Joker costume -- simillar to the latest movie version. One player actually made a short somewhat large toon in suit and English monocle he named "Oswald Cobblepot." When I came back through later, these players were still there, but joined by a HarlieQuinn, A Mr. Freeze, and more.
This seems to be the online equivalant of a Flash mob. In the old stories of Larry Niven who postulated a form of teleport technology and what it would do to society, he came up with that term. People could go anywhere by dialing a few numbers, so when they saw news, no matter how trivial, they went TO the scene. A mob appeared in a flash.
In the MMO world, people come and go at the drop of a hat. Alting thru several toons over a few hours. Now with players having multiple character slots, multiple costume slots on the characters, the ability to save outfits and change for a few thousand influence, it is EASY to have several costumes standing by. The monetary cost is trivial if the character has millions of influence--- and now that you can email influence to yourself, that is of little problem. I've probably a half dozen toons with a hundred million or more easily, and dozens with anywhere from 10 to 50 million thanks to sharing the wealth. Vet players even get several free costume tokens to boot.
So someone shows off a suit VERY like Dr. Fate, blue and gold, etc. Some one counters this by costuming like Dr. Strange. Another does Dr. StrangeFate. Then we have a Zatanna, a Zatara, a Captain Marvel. It barrel rolls. FEW of these players are violating NAMES, so unless they get caught by a GM with the costume in play, OR are reported while it is still on the character, they've nothing to fear? Right?
I think not. There will ALWAYS be a subset of the population who likes the game, remembers the Marvel Lawsuit, and will REPORT several if not all copycat characters. ESPECIALLY those that violate name and image restrictions. You can't defend a oversized green man in purple pants if you name him "xTHExINCREDIBLExHULKx" just to get past the name filters. Looks is a violation. Name is a violation. Trying to evade the naming filters is a violation. Someone WILL report you.
Few people probably realize the following EULA provision - "You may not select an Account ID, NCsoft Message Board ID, Character ID and/or Team designation, or provide any communication or information on any Message Board, that NCsoft, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems to be confusing, gibberish or slang (e.g., Asdf, ROFL, InYourFace); " HOW many names have you seen on toons that would violate THAT rule alone? If they wanted to all l33t names would be forbidden.
I doubt any players will get banned over this unless they clone and clone again, getting caught repeatedly. Every superhero movie release since this game came out has had its share of would be copycats come in as said superhero-of-the-moment. Avengers is hot, so its characters pop up now. Batman & Spiderman movies are coming. It is going to be a VERY long summer.
The EULA clearly states "You may not select an Account ID, NCsoft Message Board ID, Character ID and/or Team designation that would require any license from any third-party; ". Since they obviously lay claim to all contents of the game, including all things player created, and any content they CAN'T lay claim to shouldn't be in the game. NCSOFT is obligated to delete any such content as fast as possible - to protect their OWN copyright claims as much as anyone elses.
I hate to rant on this, but it is a sore point with me. If people were doing this for a Supergroup meeting, behind "closed doors" it wouldn't be bad. Small audience -- no more than doing CosPlay at a convention. Doing it in FULL public view? Where hundreds can see? It threatens the game. Can you imagine what would happen if a Marvel author or artist logged in to check out the game and started to see Cable and Cyclops knockoffs, Deadpools and others? The servers could go down INDEFINATELY.
You can do homage characters easy enough in this game. I've got a character, Lord Infinitim, that has a helm very Dr. Fate-ish. But I purposely have KEPT the colors blue and gold OFF the character. No Ankhs either. You can suggest a character without BEING the character. Too many people cross the line by trying to be EXACT replicas. My Paramount Girl is suggestive of both Supergirl and Power Girl, sometimes with a bit of Ms Marvel thrown in. But it doesn't copy anything exactly. Homages are a tricky avenue, but can be rewarding in their own, and may lead to creative avenues of their own. We've plenty of tech parts that can make a passible Iron Man type character. But if you do those IN his RED & GOLD, that crosses the line. The same exact toon colored purple and green wouldn't raise an eyebrow. Well at least not for copyright reasons.
The other day I caught the following exchange in Steel Canyon:
Generic 000 401 007: Who did that to me :(
Generic 000 401 007: Ive been on this toon for weeks no problem.
Benaiah: Yeah, I've had a 50 that I KNOW will get generic'd if they spot the name
Sharp Wit: I had an alt for 7 years that should have been genericed before I changed the name myself.
Benaiah: Oh, you were the Wonder Woman clone?
Benaiah: Yeah. That sucked if that's who was nerfed
Generic 000 401 007: This game is almost a decade old, no one from dc is watching this game lol
They clearly blame everyone BUT themselves.
People know they are in the wrong -- I once broke up such a gathering simply by logging in with a guy in a business suit - using the toon-name of "The Copyright Lawyer". I said nothing just standed near them. If they were really in the right would they have dispersed so fast?